It never ends

It will end when people wake up and realize they are being deceived by all this multicultural propaganda. They’re told their own race is wicked and oppressive so they must put the interests of low IQ Nigger Monkey animals and destructive welfare sponging migrants above their own and tolerate their own eventual replacement.

True, but the problem is that their brains degenerate so quickly and we have a lot of TV-MSM-edu addicted GMO pipo around now. Indignation addicted, virtue signalling addicted etc. They also brainwash the children from a very early age, causing life long permanent personality damages, and abuse them sexually - all organized from top to down.
Most humans are too degenerate, pampered, unable to think in consequences... they don't have the capabilities to form own thoughts and no need to do so as they are perfectly trained and standardized drone products. Humans are dumbed down on purpose and kept in a child-like state of mind, busy with basic or meaningless things. To command them and render all opposition impossible; to destroy it before it can appear.

With time working against us it becomes more and more a miracle when an individual starts waking up. Chances are becoming slimmer for everyone in this dark world to see the light. They are really cutting us off from our roots, our own senses and society in general.