I killed 2,000 niggers...


Keeper of the Truth
Q: How many nigger bucks does it take to charge a cellphone?
A: None, cellphones are banned in prison.

What do sharks and humans have in common? The great ones are white.

A list of Jeffrey Epstein associates is being made public. There are 187 mentions of "J Doe" in the court papers.
Shouldn't that be "P Doe"?

With news of the Epstein list coming out, I was surprised to learn Stephen Hawking was taking part in orgies.
Bet he was the third wheel tho...

Breitbart: "UK police to investigate virtual rape of 14 year old in Metaverse."
Really? I killed 2,000 niggers in GTA Online!

Kate Middleton reveals she is still 'learning to be a royal'.
Until she gets the hang of doing fuck-all, she'll never get there...