I’m dreaming of a black Xmas.

That's satanic or do I see too much in it?

This ad shows a white girl as a form of cyborg slave from the future like the Borg from Star Trek, while niggers will still be niggers no matter what happen to them. They are "immune". The girl has no or little human emotions, is completely alien and cold at first. Of course in the ad the nigger is shown as the transmitter of culture, human kindness and warmth, etc. Never niggers will elevate themselves to such levels, it may only appear so if we let us sink so low and lower - ultimately becoming lobotomized gmo cyborg drones, which is "the plan". Niggers bring "joy" and that enrichment is so superb for the alien that never knew it had emotions.

Niggers replace human families, and cyborgs/robots/chimeras replace angels that seem to have fallen from the sky (in this ad, version of Christmas). Think about that - who and what they are making our new Gods and angels of. Ask Alexa for help if you can't find out by yourself.

Niggers have to help the fallen ones to reconquer the skies, to help ET going home. I think they are already doing it since they exist.