Fried Chicken Nigger


Extenuating circumstances aside; I found myself at a grocery store this morning in the heart of niggerfuxation.

It’s a nice, modern store, but; the location is terrible. Nevertheless, my son is home from college and I was there looking for some specific grocery items that I knew this store carried.

It’s 10:30 am, and I’m thinking most of the niggers are still passed out from last night’s festivities. Boy was I wrong.

I got a good parking spot, grabbed a cart and headed into the store. I knew exactly where within the store the items on my list were located. All was going well…

This store has a Bakery / Deli / Prepared Foods section, that has plastic containers full of hot foods; to include fried chicken.

I’m headed down the cereal aisle in search of the stuff my kids was asking me for, and then I spot Leroy.

Leroy was there in the cereal aisle, with its paws into a container of fried chicken. Ol’ Leroy was having a grand time of it, sucking the meat off them chicken bones.

Now, I know damn well that Leroy hasn’t paid for that chicken it’s enjoying.

I’ve already got the couple items I came in for so I take a step back and just observe Leroy from a distance. I also alert store staff to the theft in progress.

It’s moseying down the aisles, enjoying every bite of that stolen chicken.

Eventually, Leroy stashes the evidence on the shelf next to the Gatorade and continues on his way like he dindu nuffin.

I headed to the checkout and don’t know what exactly happened next. I can only hope the groid got ape-rested.

Dred Scott

Well-known member
One time, I went to Walmart at 7 am thinking there wouldn’t be any niggers. I was wrong. Nigger after nigger went in.
At 7am they're still continuing their jenkem, crack, and likka buzz from the day before. I think a nigger's daily schedule looks something like this:

4:00pm - Wake up. Start daily drunk/high session.
5:00pm-6:00pm - Feed on KFC.
6:00pm-10:00pm - Continue getting high and drunk. Sell some drugs, shoplift, pull a few drive-bys. Rob, rape, and murder some humans.
10:00pm-2:00am - Go to da Club. Continue getting "faded". Twerk and shuck n jive.
2:00am-3:00am - Go to da Waffle House. Twerk on the counters and fight in the isles. Knuckle out without paying. Shoot up some rival tribe niggers in parking lot.
3:00am-6:00am - Loot da Nike sto. Knuckle about the streets looking for more humans to rob, rape, and murder. Steal some rims. Carjack humans on their way to work.
6:00am-7:00am - Go to da homey's crib and smoke some more crack/drink more likka.
7:00-8:00am - Go to da WahMahd to spend EBT and shoplift. If harrassed by raysuss YT security, ook "WahMahd beez ray-suss!"
8:00am-9:00am - Return to the nest. Feed on EBT junk food and pass out.
9:00am-4:00pm - Sleep. Wake up and repeat.