Fallout Shelter (free to play)

I played a lot of Fallout Shelter the last few days. In the game you are the manager of a vault surviving the nuke disaster. The atmosphere leans on the 50s-60s nuke scare, with the music and the looks.

The game is rigged in favor of nigger loving and coal burning but it's relatively easy to kick them all out and make a human vault. I simply made my breeding program. LOL. That's what I did in the 2nd and 3rd vault I started, and the first one is also cleaned up now :) I had to segregate niggers in a big cafeteria for a long time. Then I found out USE THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE BEST AT... send them out to loot stuff. Give them a toy gun and a football gear (LOL), it helps them to find stuff. If they are dead and have found nothing of value, "click remove". Et voilà. Saves the revive-money. Nevertheless the radio transmission attracts magic niggers over-proportionally. :rolls: LOL. You know what you have to do. They are always THE skilled pipo. Very obvious shit. But you can train humans to be skilled. I have to check out how well the inheritance system works, when highly skilled (trained) people mate; it seems to have an effect, but it's hard to tell since my peeps are only lower/medium skilled, yet. I was scared about a guy with pointy ears. But those ears were only part of his "sci-fi costume", that I gave to his son once daddy got a combat gear. Don't want all my people to get pointy ears like Schäuble or the devil over the years. :whew:

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If there are niggers they are outside looting or dead, 95% of peeps are happy :)

This above is my second vault out of three. It's the most pleasing to play and to look at. There's only one Pakistani in the picture, working in the energy facility to the bottom left corner, in a red "initiate robe" or so; he's very skilled with or without it, and I think he's not a nigger. Most peeps here were born in the vault. In my first vault I have more than 100 guys, but the claw beast attacks slow me down and are terribly annoying. I need better weapons. In this one above I have a guy with a big gun, a grenade launcher or something of the sort; he's working out right now. Also one day a white knight in full combat armor and with an automatic rifle showed up; and then I got a rottweiler (he barks when you click on him), which I made his pet. Awesome. I only should have build the energy plant on the top floor, so that all guards would be close to the gate. My 3rd vault is perfectly brainy. Its better organized but there's some lack of funds that I don't had in the two previous vaults. Btw. when you build the Nuka-Cola plant (the last thing to unlock), you don't get a bottle to trade for something. Nope. Just your vault dwellers get food+water (both). It's not the Nuka-Cola bottles shown in the top right corner (the currency).

It seems to be only one map tho. I haven't explored everything yet. The fights are a little turn-based and sometimes messed up. The monsters can get annoying. I wonder why they come through in seconds when I upgraded the vault's door to the highest level... I need grenade launchers and flamethrowers; I will place two highly trained dudes with those at the door, if I am lucky and can make it work.

The game has online-game elements - time runs when you leave / save the game, niggers go looting, when you come back the next day babies are (ready to be) born.
It has turn-based elements during the fights, RTS like things, and of course a bit of economic simulation. The quests suck a bit, especially when you send out the niggers like I did twice or trice (and they all have human names btw lol). I will only send well equipped humans on quests from now on; niggers go loot for sneakers and paw guns. You have to drag & drop a lot, click on things showing up.