Face-Book help.


Loyal Member
Any of you have a meme that is acceptable on Face-Book? I been banned 3 times,one more and i'm gone! Folks need to be educated! Thanks!!!

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member
You won't change anyone's mind on facebook. They're just going to ban you again.

Let chimpout.com be your facebook. I mean, that's kind of the whole point. :coffees:


Loyal Member
True but was hoping something could be posted to help our fellow white humans think and come to terms with niggers as they really are.Guess i feel sorry for the poor brain-washed folks.
I never had a facebook account. But there must be something we can do:

Those SJW satire child books that were praised by lefty loony critics had an awesome effect. And they can't ban it because it is 100% on their hypocritical PC line.

It must be "their" propaganda, "their" goals, but made in a satirical way so that half intelligent humans can recognize it as irony (what mutants can't understand).

So it would be total love and diversity, supremacy etc. Maybe in an "the onion" way of doing it. Like the most obese nigger complaining about hunger or what ever. Lefties and loonies will feign understanding (feign emotions aka virtue signaling) for the nigger, while humans will see the plain nigger. Or simply recognize the blatant lie.

But the trick is always to portray the nigger as the victim who everyone should sympathize with, and the whites (or other humans) are the opressors. Because there are already laws in europe forbidding negative portrayal of niggers (afrophobia laws). So they will have to be always the gooooood magic niggers.

It must be 100% on their PC bullshit line, like those satirical child books. Then we can win - until they brain-scan us under the suspicion of non-conformity / non-subjection to mutant usurpers.
What would we call it? Instead of The Onion, I suppose it could be The Watermelon?

This is just a theory or a try at finding a strategy and tactics.

I think the watermellon would be too obvious, and too much oriented on what the onion is (capable of) doing. We have to subvert them and render their censorship useless. The onion is accepted satire and depends on mainstream. We are not equipped with friends in msm, big tech and politics.

Those humans in society who we like to reach are either intimidated by the situation, take part in it or in most of the cases do not realy realize what is happening. For those of us who know, we can make jokes around friends. Those who are against us are not reachable by humor, logic or reason. The third kind of people are the most and they are the people we would like to reach so that the truth may set them free.

Obviously the truth is censored and we have to find other ways than directly telling it. You are not allowed to make jokes anymore! That's how low the freedom of speech, expression and conscience has been degraded.

The third group must be lead to the truth so that it can find it by itself. If it can't be lead, it must be driven.

It must be something that is elevated in public, were they take so much pride in like those virtue signalers do.

Because it is all a lie, a house of cards build on theatrical acting and intimidation.

Chapter I: counter-subversion
We must respond to tyranny and subversion with our own counter-subversion.

Let's start with "black culture". Pretend it to be the dominant music in the world. Build up incredible BS fake stories about black inventors, because they rub it under our nose everytime, especialy in education. We must trigger the triggers they installed in humans behavior, but to our advantage.

So let's make their lies even bigger and more beautiful with all PC until it explodes like the bubble that it is.

Storries of incredible systemic racism. White supremacy. Keeping da bro down. Commie equality BS. Include zoophilia (should already be done) for interspecies equality like the lefty loonies like.

Praise Greta Thunberg, because criticizing her or climate scam will only get you banned. Elevate them so much that they must fall.

👉 We must over-hype the hype. Like an balloon it will explode once there's too much air in it. Make it too much, until the lies crumble under their own weight. Make the pseudo pro-nigger-propaganda so thick it has to bring them down in droves. Beethoven was black and now he has been made a symbol of white supremacy they say. We have to make them believe he was brought in chains from africa, he saw how german nazi soldiers raped and murdered his mom. It must be subtile enough the loonies will swallow it.

Once we have the thing working (whatever it is), virtue signalers and perverts will aproach us, thinking we are on their side like in the child books example.

Chapter II : further infiltration
We now may advance to be "authorities" inside circle jerking loonies and lefties. Gaining access to trust and resources from the opponent. Starting to take part and shaping it's decisions and activities. This would be the end of the "joke" time and serious decisions would have to be made, like in those cop and spy movies when they fall in love with their enemies. Will there be anyone who will go that far? Will anyone bring the loonies down from inside, or lead them out to the jungle like Jim Jones did?

Chapter III:write your own chapter!
The mutants and niggers have been defeated. The golden age. Write your own story!


Loyal Member
Thanks to all for your help.Posting here is a form of venting the terrible nigger curse we have.I feel a great need to educate real white humans to see how they have been brain-washed to believe niggers are equal to the white man.Please think about how you can help the curse of the white man.


Well-known member
Successful black guy memes are more funny than racist. But yeah some Facebook gatekeeper will ban you. Mexican word of the day is pretty funny too. I work with mostly Hispanic folks. They are the ones that told me about word of the day.


Loyal Member
Good ideal OpenPeanut.Build the worthless air wasters up to be more than they are that might get them to thinking.I won't get banned that way.Thanks!


I quit fb got tired of fb jail for telling truth. I figured, if I stay on fb it makes the commie pos zuckhole more $ for his leftist agenda. So, yeah, I miss out on seeing vacay pictures and birthday pictures you know, all the important crap I never saw before fb, somehow I got on before fb somehow I’ll get on after fb.

Screw fb