Eat Like The Whole Foods Coastal Elite

AAPI Free Speech

Well-known member
I've always wondered why White Coastal Elite luluLemon yoga pants with tight little asses females eat shit like couscous, hummus, and put walnuts and berries in their salads. I didn't understand why people would pay so much for Whole Foods.

Fellow humans, I know now.

US chlorinated chicken soaked in its own shit water is strictly for nigger consumption. Its banned in the EU.

Ractopamine Pork, banned in the EU. Flint tap water with lead, hormones, chlorine, and fluoride is strictly for nigger consumption. This is why people shop at Whole Foods and avoid nitrates and High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sure, at first you are going to need to adapt since we are mostly addicted to Coca Cola and McDonalds. But ask yourselves this, if you are at the drive thru at 2am in the morning, isn't it time to admit you have a problem?
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This is probably one of the reasons why today's chicken/meat taste a little different than a couple years ago and to my knowledge, all meat (beef, pork, lamb, etc...) slaughtered in America are washed in chlorine.

The only thing that needs a daily chlorine bath are niggers, because niggers stink and they always are carriers of dangerous diseases.


Well-known member
I use to post on another nigger bashing site. There was a thread about a nigger pouring bleach into spaghetti. I'll say what I said there; the nigger was not using enough bleach !!!