Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas, Page 8: Senegal (NutNice)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member

West Africa
Capital: Dakar
Population: 12,853,259
Racial Groups: Niggers, 99%
GDP (Total): $20.504 billion
GDP Per Capita: $1,759 (ranked 149th)
Main Industries: food processing, mining, tourism, crime, drug addiction

Senegal is one of the "better" and more stable Africoon nations,
which means it's still plagued by out-of-control crime, drug addiction,
violence and poverty, just not at the same dramatic level you'll
see in other nigger nations. Despite this, it is generally unfit for
habitation by humans.

Senegal was at one time part of the Ghana "Empire" and was
subsequently under the domain of other nigger "empires" until
the 14th century. Islam came to the area in the 11th century
and is still the main religion. The French took over in 1677
and used Senegal as a major hub for the transportation
of coon slaves to the Americas, where they would be forced
to do some productive work for the first time in their stinking

A peaceful Sunday morning in Dakar.

In 1959, the French merged Senegal with another one of their
colonies, Mali, to form the Mali Federation. This lasted only until
1960, when each country declared its independence. The coontry
would go on to form a federation with fellow Africoon nation The
Gambia in 1982, but it was dissolved in 1989, since niggers are
obviously incapable of working together.

A group of rebel niggers in the Casamance region of Senegal have
been staging regular bongo parties against the government since
1982. Niggers in Senegal are fond of taking their political
disagreements out on to the streets (which is often), and
elections are usually riddled with fraud and violence. Politically-
motivated chimpouts and bongo parties are quite common.

One of the few good things to come out of Senegal is the beautiful
Senegal Parrot. Unfortunately, the number of these birds has
been decreasing over the years due to stupid niggers over-hunting
them to sell them as pets or simply to eat them. It is currently
illegal to buy or sell Senegal parrots caught in the wild. However,
it is harder to prevent starving niggers from breading and
deep frying these birds, and eating them with a side of collard
greens and some grape soda.

The Senegal Parrot has a tiny brain, but is still
smarter than niggers. It also smells much better.

Many naive humans fall for Senegal's image as an exotic vacation
destination, which is "not like the rest of Africa". Well, guess
what? It is. If you are foolish enough to travel to Senegal,
keep in mind that you will almost certainly be robbed, if not
raped or beaten to death. On the other hand, Senegal is--like
most of Africa--a really good place to catch some AIDS or a
good ole fashioned case of malaria. Driving is extremely dangerous
and the roads are a joke. Banditry is common, and the US State
Department discourages travellers from driving around the country
at all. It is believed that in the native Wolof language, the
country's own name means "GIBS MUH DAT!!!"

Sources: Wikipedia, CIA World Factbook, African Parrot Society,
US Department of State.