Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas, Page 11: Kenya (NutNice)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member

Location: Eastern Africa
Capital: Nairobi
Population: 37,953,838
Ethnic groups: Niggers, 99%, Humans, 1%
GDP (Total): $48.33 billion (ranked 79th)
GPD (Per Capita): $1,445 (ranked 156th)
Main Industries: Marathon-running, producing Badcrack Obongo, chimpouts

Koonya was supposed to be a model Afreakan nation; it is instead
one of the largest, stinkiest piles of fail in the whole world.
It is the site of violent, politically-motivated chimpouts, fetid
slums, rampant corruption and all the usual shit you will find
in a monkey-dominated nation. It is also the motherland (moar
like motherfucker-land, amirite?) of Badcrack Obongo's father.
One of Obongo's half-brothers still lives in Kenya, in total
misery, getting into fistfigths with other niggers over a week-old
piece of KFC. Apparently his super-rich brudda can't spare him
a few bucks (lol, bucks).

Koonya's pre-European history is about as interesting as that
of most other nigger nations. Cushitic peoples, very likely from
North Africa (and almost certainly not niggers), came into the area
around 2000BC, with Arab traders making their presence felt on
the coast around the 1st century AD. The Kenyan coast became a
trading hub...for Arab trade. The Portuguese were the first
Europeans to visit Kenya (Vasco de Gama dropped by in 1498).
The Arabs ruled city-states all along the coast for many
decades, until the 1880s, when the British secured control
over the area.

Nairobi's Business District.

The Koonyan apes decided they got tired of YT providing
them with health care, technology and food and staged the
Mau Mau rebellion during the 1950s. It wasn't so much a
rebellion as a colossal chimpout, during which the feral
coons killed many innocent humans with extreme brutality.
Some heroic humans fought bravely against the smelly creatures
with clever tactics, such as wearing blackface and not
bathing (so that they could look and smell like niggers) and
infiltrating the Mau Mau camps. The coons were then totally
pwned. However, the British government decided to betray
the humans living in Kenya and gave in to the wild apes'
demands. Koonya was made independent in 1963. Things would
get a lot worse after independence, as they usually do when
a bunch of feral monsters are allowed to run a country.

The capital of Nairobi is well-known for being a crime-ridden
shithole, even by Afreakan standards; it has even been
nicknamed "Nairobbery" (lol). Fraud-plagued elections in
December of 2007 caused numerous violent bongo parties and
chimpouts, which killed over 1,000 simians in this "stable,
democratic" African country. Kenya is home to some wildlife
preserves where people can come into contact with (non nigger)
animals. What is most amazing about these nature preserves
is that the coons haven't eaten all the animals and washed
them down with grape Kool Aid.

Koonya recently won 5 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics,
all of them in the typical nigger-dominated running events. They
won no medals in any sport that required any skills such
as strategy, coordination or constant practice...just running.
It's believed that the Koonyan athletes trained by chasing
a bottle of jenkem which was strapped to a cheetah's back.

Sources: Wikipedia, National Vanguard, CIA World Factbook.

Neoprene man

Loyal Member
Birff place off head homo in charge
Who was a liberal progressive turd
The liar in chief
Was a typical nigger beneath
And is the reason for America's problems today
So now the battle is on
till everything the turd did is gone

Also: they are always on witch hunt and are paranoid about vampires and voodoo gone wrong, so they chimp and butcher each other from the small villages to the greater cities about some sorcery related stuff. There were some bloody vampire epidemics there in the last years. Of course it is part of the official jungle political discurse to accuse the other party mutualy to be implicated in all such wide spread (or wide imagined) practice of voodoo, witchcraft, cannibalism and VAMPIRES. :D Just "google" witches and vampires +Kenya and you will find answers like these:

They can throw stones and form lynchmobs, no matter what the reason is. Niggers form packs and troops, in Kenya they perform this task naturaly. Avoid the groid, don't be a silly tourist over there 👇
