Back Again


Riot Control
Staff member
YAR! Me favourite sea monkey is back! Your post couldn't be more true, trying to fully understand nigger behaviour is a fools errand, and will only end in confusion and mental burnout. But discussing their antics helps us realise that we are not alone in knowing how incompatible they are with any type of civilized human society.

Jivin' Jigaboo

Well-known member
Glad to see this and other forums still around. I think I've been on them all from Niggermania, Shitskin Plantation, Chimpout. Times like these require like minded people to keep the sanity.
A BIG WELCOME to you Master Sergeant!! I remember you well from the other forums and your honest, straightforward and blunt point of views of NIGGERS. I, we look forward to your postings of the real truth in honest terms about the "BLACK BASTARD NIGGERS"!! LOL!!!!!