“Charm City” on Amazon TV

If you’re looking for something to watch on the tube there is a documentary on Amazon TV called “Charm City.” It was shot in Baltimore in 2018, and we all know how much TNB went through the roof in the last 3 years. Produced by PBS so be prepared for the slant you’d expect. However, I think they inadvertently made a documentary that shows what utter failures nigs are once left to their own devices and humans go away.

It’s great to watch this thing and play the game of “Yeah - I’ve heard this before.” All the old favorites come out: the cops beez rayciss, we need better schools, we need more jobs, if this number of YTs got killed we’d see cops, when the cops are here and enforcing the law they are racist, locking up nigs who carry guns won’t solve gun crime, etc., etc. Literally every tag line you can think of gets uttered in this thing, and it’s still TNB - the same old TNB that has been going on for years. And in cities everywhere: Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Memphis, Atlanta, etc., etc. What do these places have in common? It isn’t geography, or weather, or industry, or whatever. It’s niggers.

The other legitimately fascinating thing I observed in this documentary was a feature they did on this old darkie who ran a neighborhood association. And he really had those coons stepping and fetching! One day he steps away for 1-2 months (had the ‘beetus!) and everything - everything! - goes to hell. Homicides, drug dealing, trash, etc. The old boon comes back and has to whip things back into shape - even explaining to nigs that they have to remember how to pick up trash better. And it struck me - niggers can only subscribe to cults of personalities. They cannot internalize values of an organization or a movement or a country - that takes a higher order of thinking. They literally need to be led around by the nose and told what to do and how to think or they’re lost…and everything around them is lost as well.