
  1. ThePakMan-G

    White Muslim Convert thinks she has White privilege

    All these ray-cysts in the comments are so anti-yt for what? Pakistani American here. I do not hate yt people. I love them. They help hold up the USA. Christian or Muslim, at the end of the day my Muslim sister, I am afraid to tell you the fact but there is nothing wrong with being yt how the...
  2. Look-A-Me

    The most WOKE Super Chimp Bowl EVER

    White folk are going to reach a point where they finally stand up and say they enough is enough. Niggers ruin EVERYTHING! https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/super-bowl-57-is-the-blackest-most-woke-super-bowl-ever-sorry-haters-opinion/ar-AA17pwtS?li=BBnb7Kz
  3. sxng9


    The title of the movie is called "Karen". Another movie agenda about demonizing whites. Basically, some magical fambly of niggers move in next door and some racist YT woman goes on a rampage to force them out. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12636872/