south africa

  1. Good Judge of Niggers

    White South African Punks High Yellow Nigger

    I haven’t had cable TV in decades but I know what CNN is and who that yellow turd nigger, Don Lemon is. It looks like Musk has been toying with the nigger for months. Elon is well old enough to remember when South Africa kept their niggers in their huts at night and the country was a productive...
  2. NoNigNogs

    Nigger goes boom

    South African Pees on Pole
  3. Fireblade

    South African crime thread

    Figured it would be neater to put all of S.A.'s crime in one thread. Gonna kick it off with this, a school in Kwa-Zulu Natal has been broken into 16 times in 2 years!
  4. Fireblade

    Racehorses slaughtered over wage dispute Just going to leave this here and walk out before I say something unsavoury. Just for info, a panga is another name for...