
  1. Jenkem Jenkins

    Catholicism is done for! Francis pushing for LGBTQIAXUZBDORIUETC marriage...

    https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/10/03/pope-francis-lgbtq-couples-catholic-church/71041424007/ The only real pure Christian faith left is Orthodoxy. Sure the last Pope looked like Emperor Palpatine and ignored all the rampant pedophilia, but this faggot is driving what was once a...
  2. DaProphet

    Scotland Police slammed for describing paedophiles as 'minor-attracted people

    https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11586335/amp/Police-Scotland-slammed-calling-paedophiles-minor-attracted-people.html Ok, this is really nasty especially when the pedo is a NIGGER FAGGOT
  3. Niggreta

    Disgusting Nigger Faggot Commercial

    This truly has it all. HIV medication ad of a flamboyant nigger faggot who race mixes with his white coworker, from what I have seen of it. I haven't actually seen the commercial in its entirety because I cannot sit through a full length ad of a nigger faggot boasting about his nigger faggot...